Saturday, January 31, 2015

A little idea

As I was randomly looking at pictures of sculptures recently I stumbled upon this. It's by French artist, Albert Bartolome who typically made funerary sculpture and monuments. Technically it's an impressive sculpture and all that, but what I thought was neat was the moss growing all over one side of the figure.

I've been experimenting lately with different finishes to try to find ones I really like and I thought the moss and the black blobs and streaks (which might be mold, I'm not sure) give this sculpture a pretty cool look. I  might not implement that idea on any of the works I'm planning for the near future, but it's an idea that's going to be filed away for the future.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

By way of Introduction...

This is my first post on my first blog, so I better introduce myself a bit. I grew up in Southeast Arizona and I've enjoyed making art my entire life. I eventually decided to pursue art as a career which led me to Dixie State University in St. George Utah where I am currently enrolled and trying to graduate.

That's enough of that. Since I intend to use this blog to track my progress as an artist as well as to share a little bit of the fascinating things I've been studying in my free time, I want to post some pictures of my earlier art pieces to show the progress I've made already. So I'll get right to it.

This next project was for a Media Experimentation class and the assignment required us to incorporate medical equipment into the piece. The arm and base are terracotta with a faux bronze patina. It was if anything, a good practice for sculpting an arm and hand.

 The first bust I ever made working from a live model. Also terracotta with a painted patina.

Well, see you next time.